Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Tom Pulls the Purse Strings

Looks like batshit insane Tom Cruise is asking his brainwashed and knocked up wife-to-be, Katie Holmes, to sign a prenup...*GASP* Guess all those gratuitous PDAs and couch-jumping exploits do have monetary worth after all... Can't expect a Scientologist to part with his cash so quickly, unless of course it's to be donated directly into the reliquary that is L. Ron Hubbard's urn. Here's what MSNBC has to say about the prenup negotiations:

Holmes's father, Martin, is a lawyer and is representing his daughter in the negotiations, reports the upcoming issue of The Star.

Martin Holmes is playing hardball with the prenup negotiations, according to the tab, which quotes a source as saying that Holmes wants to make sure that his daughter will receive "a lump sum payment in the millions if the marriage should dissolve before the five-year mark."

Such terms are unusual for a prenup, which usually awards a spouse more money for a longer marriage, but, the source tells the mag: "The Holmes family would never tell Katie if they thought her marriage was doomed from the get-go, but they are pressuring her to hold out not only to protect her interests, but those of her child."

Stay tuned, there's bound to be more. ;) --Joan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like how he's grabbing her ass in the pic :P
