Monday, September 14, 2009

Oof, this season's Project Runway pretty much blows

Joan: The new season of Project Runway (on Lifetime...yick) is about 4 episodes in now. And, frankly — the judges are out of their damn minds. I don’t know which way is up anymore. Every runway wrap-up feels like a Fellini film. I feel like any minute a miming clown is going to come down the runway and strike a pose, without anyone noticing or providing explanation. Heidi likes the badly sewn dress. Nina loves the toilet-stained frock. And where the hell is Michael Kors? Can’t he take time out of his bust QVC schedule to show up and knock some sense into these floosies?

Melissa: I just cant wrap my mind around half of the crap that's coming down that runway that the judges are praising. from mitchell's nude schmata to the awfully tailored suit that won last week, i'm convinced that heidi, nina, and whoever the guest judge is, are hitting the crack pipe before the runway show. the latest revelation is that ra'mon's neoprene dressed was dyed in the men's toilet and that the model was annoyed about wearing it. uh, NO SHIT! it was in the fucking toilet. and it won. idiots.

Joan: Something is definitely off this season. I don’t know if it’s because the whole shebang sat in a can for almost a year while the legal battle waged or what. But something is not right. I have disagreed with every top two and bottom two this season. And, for the most part, that’s never happened before. I should have known that the awful crap that went down in the ALL-STAR reunion was going to be an omen of bad things to come.

Melissa: yeah, i'm just not seeing eye-to-eye with the judges either. and OMG, epperson's dress -- they loved that shit. my first thought when it came down the runway was, damn, she look like a hooker. an expensive hooker but still a hooker. what gives?!?!

Joan: that’s precisely what I thought. It look unfinished, sloppy and slutty. This is turning out to be a train wreck of a season. Much more of this and I’ll be switching to The Fashion Show for good.

Melissa: I loved The Fashion Show. but i haven't heard of a second season. have you heard anything?

Joan: No. With our luck, it will be canceled. Well, here’s to hoping PR gets its act together — QUICK.


S.M. Bittler said...

THANK. YOU. I agree completely!!!! The stuff they like this year is, for the most part, crazy. I liked some stuff, like the red dress and the coat-and-dress combo in the maternity wear challenge, and some of the pieces on other episodes were nice (or at least well-made), but the neoprene dress??? They actually said they'd WEAR that??? What the...??? And Epperson's dress: other years they'd call something like that tacky and trashy. And the surfer girl challenge confused me; Tim suggested they talk to the girls about what they like and what works for them, yet most of the things that came down the runway didn't look surfer-girl-inspired AT ALL. What gives?

Nicole said...

ugh, i couldn't agree more, steph. it's like we're being punked. this is the oddest season of prj rwy yet!