poor guy, he's just got a little bit of a belly. i am so tired of us men being judged purely based on how we look! maybe we should eat nothing and exercise all day and get botox so we can look good for you... oh wait, we can't 'cause we're out there slaving away 12 hours a day to financially support our women before coming home to cook and clean! where, oh where, have the 1950's gone?
He's preggers!!!!
poor guy, he's just got a little bit of a belly. i am so tired of us men being judged purely based on how we look! maybe we should eat nothing and exercise all day and get botox so we can look good for you... oh wait, we can't 'cause we're out there slaving away 12 hours a day to financially support our women before coming home to cook and clean! where, oh where, have the 1950's gone?
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