Saturday, December 06, 2008

TomKat's Time Machine

Tom and Katie have gotten in their time machine, no doubt Scientology-approved, and jettisoned back to the late 30s/early 40s to take some moody, film noir shots for The New York Times Style Magazine. Revel in the dark strangeness of it all....


Nuray said...

wtf is this? TC looks like he's posing for some Nazi/Hitler fetishist. fucked up, yo. he's promoting that Valkrye movie or something, right?

Nicole said...

yeah. he made that movie and now he thinks he's still in wwii germany.

Anonymous said...

Heh. He's startin' to look old. :) I have no idea why I enjoy that so much, since he could still crush me with just his money. Kate looks gorgeous. And young.


Anonymous said...

i love how katie looks very Bette Davis here - who knew Xenu was such a fan of silver-screen vamps! :) and tom? ick. time to retire, homeboy