Saturday, May 06, 2006

My 2nd Brush with the Same Fame

It was time for my parakeet Patsy (named after the alcohol-swigging cigarette-smoking character on Absolutely Fabulous) to have a friend. So I went to the pet-keeping source, Marc Marone -- Martha Stewart co-hort, host of PetKeeping, and co-owner of Parrots of the World in Rockville Centre, NY.

My co-worker Ellen, co-social director, dear friend, and fellow bird owner (Hello Ollie, Hello Sunshine), made the introduction. As we walked into the store, there was the bird room feeding some baby African Greys. The room was filled with every kind of exotic bid imaginable and some very native varieties as well. The noise, and this is something you will have to appreciate in person, was DEAFENING. I couldn't hear myself think, and was so awe struck -- at first I didn't wanna move... taking it in and processing it required so much brain power. Eventually, Ellen and I made it over to the parakeets section. And I learned that my avian vet had been wrong on three counts: Patsy is not en English budgie and --and this is a biggie-- he's not a he.

I had my eye on a little blue male, currently being hounded by the females in the cage. He had a white face and pale blue breast and the typical zebra pattern on the head and wing feathers. It was love at first sight. This was my Edina, (Eddie, for short, and the counterpart to AbFab's Patsy).

After Marc fed his raven, he answered a few of my questions. The feverish exchange took place a bit like this:

[Sound of, oh it's gotta be thousands, of birds screaming, chirping, cooing, etc.]
Me: I have a parakeet whose cere keeps changing color, but my vet says it's a male. [show him picture]
Marc: That's a female you got there.
Me: NO!
Marc: YES!!!
Me: Oh, so I'd better get another female.
Marc: WHY!??
Me: I don't want them to mate.
Marc: They ain't gonna mate unless you put in a nesting box. So, which one ya like?
Me: Well, I kinda got my eye on that little blue guy.
Marc: Ok. [reaches into cage. birds flutter. with superhuman-like speed he nabs the little sucker and I think, for sure, this bird is dead. He pulls it out of the cage and it's all smushed up in his hand.] So, what do ya think? You'll take 'em?
Me: Uh, yeah. I think so.
Marc: OK. I'll put 'em in a box.
Ellen and I: [exchange a look of disbelief.]
Ellen: You sure now?
Me: I think so. He's the color I wanted. And I spotted him first...
[We follow Marc to the register. When we get there the bird is already in a tiny box]
Marc: So...
Me: So, do I need to quarantine the bird?
Marc: Why would you do that?
Me: Well, the book said--
Ellen and I: [Laugh]
Me: So, I can keep them in separate cages next to each other?
Marc: Nah, just throw 'em in there?
Me: But, I don't need to worry about...
Marc: Look -- there's tons a birds in that room -- they're fine!
Me: Very true.
Marc: That'll be $16.97

And... That's how I got Eddie. ;)



Nuray said...

Something I never expected....Marc is dangerous and lives on the edge. That's hot.

Anonymous said...

i really think nicole has found the man she's destined to marry!


Anonymous said...

your new birdy is beautiful! and the original eddie & pats would have approved of how the whole transaction went down