Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A Sucker's Born Every Minute

Pah-lease... A picture's worth a thousand words... --Joan

"...socialite Paris Hilton insists she has a low sex drive and frequently snubs steamy sessions at home...she is adamant her titillating image is a product of her sexy sense of style, and in reality her boyfriends have commented on her less than rampant libido. She says, "I'm sexual in pictures and the way I dress and my whole image. But at home I'm really not like that. All of my ex-boyfriends - not Paris, of course - would be like, 'What's the matter with you? You're so not sexual.'" [IMDB]
Mama must be so proud.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good pic!

Can I also post on this blog? I have some pics of Nuray that I'd like to share with the world :)
