Saturday, June 27, 2009

All over this like white on rice...

HBO's latest original series premieres tomorrow night at 10pm ET. Hung is led by hottie Thomas Jane, who plays a character who is...well...hung. Down on his luck, he uses his one special trait to make ends meet. Tee hee. I said "make ends meet."

For those living in caves, "Hung" -- premiering Saturday at 10 p.m. EDT -- is not the heartwarming adventures of an Asian family. It's a description of Drecker's [Thomas Jane] sole useful asset. So when he meets un-cute with former one-night stand Tanya (Jane Adams as a self-righteous temp whose previous moneymaking idea was to put poems inside bread), they both get excited over the concept of pimping him out. Because, you know, he's hung. That's a lot of setup, and it's easy to be of two minds about it. The basic concept -- that these two entrepreneurs can make a bundle pimping Drecker out because he's a big man down below -- is ludicrous beyond sitcom and scientific standards. Dirk Diggler was a porn star; "Boogie Nights" never indicated that he was the greatest lover in the world.... The show is pretty darned funny, especially once you get past the 45-minute pilot and into the half-hour regular episodes (smaller is better, actually). [reuters/hollywood reporter]

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