Friday, March 25, 2005

...and the loser is:

Results from this week's American Idol are in:
The Bottom Three consisted of: Mickalah, Anthony and Nadia. All deserving of their spots. Anthony was safe. Leaving Nadia and Mickalah. (Frankly, it should have been Nadia in his place. She deserved the scare for that lousy performance, but not to be in the bottom two.) So, after all was said and was Mickalah who got the ax. ...and rightfully so. Her parting performance reminded viewers why they'd made their decision in the first place. So, so long sweetie... enjoy oblivion. --Nicole.

Oh Joan, you're so mean to my girl, Mickalah. I'm gonna miss that pretty face. Oh well. There are many more that need to go and hopefully they will before there are any more surprises where the deserving people get booted. Ya never know with these voters. Next couple of weeks should get rid of Nikko, Anthony, and Constantine. Fingers crossed.


Anonymous said...

What about that chick that always sings country? Good voice, but country?


Nuray said...

Nope, that's Carrie Underwood. She's one of the top contenders to win it all. Mickalah was the dark-haired girl with the Fran Drescher thing going. I liked her!