Thursday, October 26, 2006

Anna Nicole Pulls Up Stakes

Have you ever seen someone fuck up as much as Anna Nicole Smith? I mean, even the people she surrounds herself with manage to either help/let her make terrible decisions or are completely inept themselves. Case in point -- her new hubby/lawyer Howard K. Stern. If he was worth his weight in salt... wouldn't he have been able to secure the proper legal precautions so that this wouldn't happen??? Anna Nicole can't be trusted to pour a bowl of cereal, much less manage legal residency...
Anna Nicole Smith has already been orderedto vacate her Bahamas home by Oct. 31, and now authorities there are investigating whether she legally obtained permanent residency there. Vernon Burrows, the immigration director in the Bahamas, said authorities are focused on the $1 million home that Smith's lawyers claimed in an application for residency that she had purchased...The law in the Bahamas states that a person owning a house there valued at more than $500,000 and having the means to reside without being employed and being of good character can be eligible for residency. "If she doesn't own the house, then she would not have met the policy conditions which the government of the Bahamas has with respect to the grant of permanent residence," Ingraham said of Smith. [people]
Add to this that frigged up wedding. The weird circumstances surrounding her son's death and burial. The paternity of her baby. And the tell-all book written by a close family member... well... I give up. --Joan.


Anonymous said...

for someone that doesn't come off as very bright and i think is almost always high, she'd done pretty good for herself. it pays to whore yourself out to a 120 yr old rich guy.


Nicole said...

actually, she's still waiting on that old man cash...