Sunday, October 22, 2006

Well, how about that?

Right now Nicole Kidman must be weighing her options: Crazy ex-husband who believes that an space monkey is trapped in liquid hot magma at the center of the earth... or new husband hopped up on illegal substances, yet again, not 6 months post-blissful nuptials...?

The 38-year-old musician, who married Kidman in June, said in a statement that he "deeply regrets the hurt this has caused Nicole". It also stated that the Oscar-winning actress was with Urban when he voluntarily entered the facility. The Grammy winner has previously disclosed an addiction to cocaine...."One can never let one's guard down on recovery, but I'm afraid that I have," the singer's statement continued. [bbc]

Hmm. If I were her, I'd take the druggy. Druggy's curable. The kinda batshit, fuckall crazy Cruise is -- well, that could take years to cure, if at all. So, no hard feelings Nic, don't call the divorce lawyers yet... this one might still work out.


Anonymous said...

He looks like a prettier version of Mellisa Erthridge... don't really know how to spell her name.


Anonymous said...

Nicole Kidman must have her pick of men. She's beautiful, classy, talented, rich.... How is it that she wound up with Crazy Cruise and then Crackhead Keith?

I've heard Keith Urban says he loves his crackpipe, and that he doesn't feel "normal" unless he's high. If that's true, then I think this is a battle Nicole Kidman will be fighting with him for a long-ass time.

Nicole said...

oh, shit... i hadn't heard that. that's harsh. but she hadda know that going in... his former drug use was well known. eh, shit. she can't win.

Anonymous said...

god, she can do sooooooo much better than that made-up, mystic-tanned, highlighted, high mofo.


Anonymous said...

you ever considered that maybe she's driving her husbands to religion and drugs?


Nicole said...

john might have a point...