Monday, October 16, 2006

By the beard of Xenu, we will have a Scientology wedding!

Whether Katie's parents like it or not, TomKat will be having a Scientology-based wedding ceremony. Katie, raised a Catholic, converted to Scientology for her shrimpy leading man. Apparently, all that fancy book learning she got in Catechism didn't stick...she dropped her upbringing like a hot plate when Tom wooed her. Imagine that ultimatum.

Rumor has it, the couple will be wed in Italy this November. Her dress is apparently bought and paid for. But, will Daddy walk her down the aisle? That is the question:

Katie's parents...are reportedly really outraged of the involvement by the Church of Scientology, rather than in the Catholic tradition. Some have said the family Holmes is threatening not to show up for the wedding to try to convince Katie to have a proper Catholic ceremony, even if she does go through the Scientology program also. (c) PCN


Anonymous said...

I understand why everyone makes fun of Scientology but no more ridiculous than Catholisism :)


Nicole said...

I tend to agree. But you have to admit it's slightly more silly... although less certainly less silly than, say, Snake Handling.