Sunday, October 29, 2006


So, it looks like Melanie Griffith got old all at once. Like, one morning, she woke up and officially became Antonio's old lady... She's looking old enough to be his mother. The pic on the left is sans makeup and the pic on the right is all made up... if you ask me, they're both equally fucked up. Time to visit one of LA's many qualified plastic surgeons.


Anonymous said...

have you ever heard her speak? she sounds like witney houston / anna nicole / farah faucett. see, that's why you need brains and personality, cause your beauty fades.


Anonymous said...

What's with the toothless smirk? That's what's causing all the wrinklage around the mouth. Smile, darnit! Most people do indeed look better with a real smile, unless they have Bubba teef.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those pics are the very definition of "hit the wall." Henceforth, she shall be known only as "Melanie Crypt-Keeper Griffith."