Thursday, November 24, 2005

There are no words...

...except that, I guess Scientologists don't believe in the dangers of excess exposure to radiation. A healthy dose of vitamin C should take care of that.

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Not every family can afford one at a price tag of up to $200,000 but actor Tom Cruise says he bought a sonogram machine for his pregnant fiancée Katie Holmes so that they can monitor the development of their child.

In an interview with ABC's Barbara Walters to be aired on a November 29 television special about the "most fascinating people of 2005," Cruise said: "I'm going to donate it to a hospital when we are done."

A sonogram machine, which uses ultra-sound to look at a fetus's development, can cost between $150,000 and $200,000, according to People Magazine which published excerpts from the interview on Wednesday.

Cruise said he did not know the gender of the child but said if he did, he would not reveal it. Walters then asked him, "So what do you see?" and he answered "a little baby."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is her belly button already popping out? i thought that doesn't happen till you're well into your preg. maybe she was an outie to begin with.
