Monday, April 27, 2009

You wouldn't like me when I'm angry...

Last night, the shit hit the fan on Celebrity Apprentice. Let's just say: Don't cross Joan and Melissa, unless you want to be torn a new asshole.

Even though Joan and Melissa were on competing teams, they banded together like -- well, like mother and daughter. And when Melissa's team mates threw her under the bus, Joan's claws came out. (Course, Melissa cutting the Donald off mid-sentence bt saying: "Can I finish?" didn't help her any.) It was right after that that he passed a note to the host of Mad Money, which could have said only one thing: Melissa = Fired.

Anyway, when the axe fell, Melissa didn't wait around for closing comments. She hightailed it out of the boardroom and too to racing around the lobby despite her hobbled leg. Meanwhile, Mama Rivers was watching the whole thing go down from another room. Gathering her belongings, she proclaimed that she wouldn't be back next week. She then proceeded to curse out Melissa's team mates (the "dumb blonde" and the "pokah playah") and met up with a feverishly mad Melissa in the lobby--who was cursing out anyone she came into contact with and denying the customary exit interview all while the elevator doors closed on her and mom.

Coming attractions for next week imply that Joan didn't return to finish up the competition.

Truly, must-see TV:


Anonymous said...

Gotta say, though: as much as Joan's non-moving face scares me, I like the support she showed her daughter. Those two have been to hell and back together, and Joan wouldn't let some dumb TV show get in her way when it came to her kid. (Even if said kid is a grown woman acting like a spoiled brat.)

Unknown said...

Damn, Jen stole what I was gonna say about the non-moving face.