Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Brangie Stocks Up...

How much shopping do they have to do? Seriously -- are we really to believe they have NO assistants for this crap? I think they just wanna get some face time. On the flip side, how annoying it must be to be them. Shit, she can't even pick up some tampons without having to sign an autograph. Sucks...

Jolie also caused a stir when she visited the local CVS. "She was in my aisle and everyone was kind of looking at her or going up to her," says local resident Alex Reckert. "She looked great. She had on these leggings and sunglasses and signed a few autographs." So, what does Reckert think of having Hollywood's most famous family staying in Oyster Bay? "It's kind of cool that they're in town," she says. "It's a pretty small place so everyone is talking about it." [people]

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