Melissa: OK, Joan, let me hear it. What did you think of last night's performances?
Joan: Last night was a grand snoozefest. I had to stick toothpicks under my eyelids just to stay awake. Overall, the night was disappointing to say the least. And, I agreed with Simon most of the night. Bad song choices all the way around. It was, as they say: Ca Ca Poo Poo. Melissa?
Melissa: Let me start from the top. It was interesting to see where these kids came from, see their parents and homes, etc. I think the parents tearing up over their kids will be effective heartstring-tuggers and produce more call-ins than usual for people who normally wouldn't have gotten as many. But onto the contestants: Carrie, I'm so over the country thing. Never liked it, never will. She's good but so pigeon-holed and I gotta say, I was reflecting on how lucky I am to be from a great place like NY cause I wouldn't want her bum-fuck nowhere, farm upbringing for anything in the world. Constantine stank. And didn't look as attractive as he had in the last couple of weeks. He chose a horrible song by a horrible band, Nickelback. Seriously? Vonzell is cuuuuuuuute! I would carry her around in my pocket, she's so sweet. And she sung that Xtina song pretty darn well. Anthony, well, he did okay. Picking a Celine Dion song was a great marketing tactic at this point in the game. Girls and mums who luuuurve Celine Dion were probably swooning and Ryan mentioning the fact that Anthony's been working out twice a day also secured him some more votes. Bo, oh Bo. While he kicked ass on the song, what was up with that horrible shirt and shades??? Like Simon said, "Ditch the Lenny Kravitz sunglasses, that look is so over." He seems like a very nice boy with a fun Southern family. And now...ugh, Scott. I really did not need to see his baby and childhood photos. I'm not sure if it's just me, but didn't the photos look like those of serial killers when they are wee-little ones? And the commentary from his parents, really, no amount of parental gloating will ever make me like Scott. And them saying that he's the average Joe and then Scott saying that if you go to Cleveland, you'll see hundreds of Scotts walking around? LORD, I pray to thee that that is not true!
Joan: LOL on all your baby photo/home video comments. Just the same, I could do w/o all that crap--just sing already--who cares??? Yes, for the people who vote, it will make a difference... but my God... And Scott... if he don't go tonight... Watch, Vonzell will end up in the bottom three and he'll be safe. Overall, the best performance last night had to be Vonzell. I thought everyone else was crappy. Even Carrie (who I admit to liking). You're like Simon: "I don't understand this music. I'll never get it. Really." LOL. But you have to admit, she's got an amazing range. Still, all the same, I'll be glad to see this week go in
AI history and move on. Hopefully, someone will coach these people to pick better songs. Sheesh. So, my pick for getting the ax tonight is: Scott. Bottom three will be Scott, Anthony and dare I say it: Constantine. ;) Joan?
Melissa: YES!!! Simon's comment on the country music and him not getting it was so reminiscent of my sentiments on it. My picks for bottom three are Scott, Anthony, and you may be right: Constantine, although I don't think he'll be the one to go. It's gotta be either Anthony or Scott. I'm hoping that the judges' blunt comments on Scott's performance, especially Simon's comment, "If I were you, I'd pack my suitcases tonight," influences the results and gets that creep outta there. If any of the others besides Scott or Anthony go, then something is definitely wrong.
Joan: Constantine is definitely safe. I don't know why, but the chicks dig him. To me, he's just smarmy. LOL. So true... The judges were brutal w/Scott--almost like they were told to be in sync on their comments regarding his departure. And he didn't seem to take it well... looked weepy. Well, only time will tell, Melissa.
Melissa: Good! Let that mother-trucker (as Sebastian Bach so well put it) weep his little freakin' eyes out. He sucks and it's about time he was shown the door. It sucks that we have a time difference, you and me, cause if he doesn't go tonight, I'll feel so compelled to give you a call and it'll be 12:30 am where you are! I'm sitting here with my fingers crossed till then. We'll reconvene tomorrow on the results, Joan.
Joan & Melissa -- OUT!