Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Joan & Melissa's 2006 Golden Globes Red Carpet Wrap Up

Joan: Well, Melis. The Globes have come and gone. Now, let’s ruin some egos… Who are your candidates for Worst Dressed Male?

Melissa: Hey Joan, I must say, I don’t think I have a Worst Dressed Male. I think everyone looked pretty good, typical black suit/tuxes, with the black bow ties and black ties. Who was yours?

Joan: As much as I hate to… I have to nominate Johnny Depp. He looked unkempt and a bit like a Vegas lounge act in that get-up. I wasn’t digging it. Plus, I know the gold tooth is for the pirate movie, so I’m assuming it’s removable… in which case… remove it when off set? Huh? Would that kill ya?
On to Worst Dressed Female. For me, it’s hands down Gena Davis. She looked like she was being strangled by a bad late-80s prom dress. It was a travesty in red, though she did redeem herself by staging one of the funniest acceptance speeches of the evening. Melissa, what’s your take on Worst Dressed Female?

Melissa: Yes, I loved Geena’s speech. At first, I thought, “Oh god, how cliché.” But then she totally redeemed herself by admitting she made it up. I also loved Chris Rock’s line: that since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was nearly over "you only have to be nice to black people for another two hours." Hee-larious! I also loved Steve Carrell’s speech with him reading the speech supposedly written by his wife and him thanking her a bunch of times.

But back to the original question, my pick for worst dressed male (I went back and looked at some pics on E!) has to be Paul Giamatti. His suit seems to look fine, but his grooming is atrocious! His beard and glasses are awful. Maybe he has the beard for a movie he’s making now, but I don’t know that for sure.

For Worst Dressed Female, I would have to say Emma Thompson with that awful white boa concoction she had wrapped around herself on the red carpet. Thank god, she didn’t have it with her when she presented the Pride & Prejudice clip, but still. And her boobs looked like they were about to pop out of her dress. I wasn’t totally pleased with Geena’s choice, either. It looked like she was having a really hard time walking in that thing and it made her look like even more of a giant. What’s your pick for Best Dressed Male, Joan?

The speeches were very funny, and seemed to be clumped together there in the middle… Hugh Laurie picking names out of his pocket… Steve Carell’s wife’s speech, Gena Davis… plus, the amusing bit by Clooney in the beginning. Well done.

Best Dressed Male is hard for me, cause there’s really not much you can do w/a tux. And trying to personalize a tux often makes it worse. So, it’s up to grooming on my part. I like when a man looks sleek and well-groomed. So, my nod goes to George Clooney. There are others, but they escape me at the moment.

Best Dressed Female… there are several contenders and I’m not sure I can narrow it down to one. I didn’t think anyone looked drop-dead amazing, but just well-styled. I really liked Felicity Huffman and Evangeline Lily. Huffman seems to have found a style that works for her and she’s banking on it. The line and detail were gorgeous, I just wish it had been a color… White often washes blondes out. Green is not a color I’m particularly fond of, much less emerald green… but Evangeline Lily made it work. Gorgeous lines and flowing fabric… just beautiful. Melissa, what’s your take?

Melissa: Hmmm…for Best Dressed Male, it’s tough, like you said, you can’t really do much with a tux. I guess I’m gonna have to go with the hottie-factor on this one and say Matthew Fox. HOT! Oh, and Joaquin also looked hot.

Yup, Evangeline is my pick for Best Dressed. As soon as I saw her on the red carpet, I knew it had to be it. She made the color work, a color that is usually not in the typical color palette of award show gowns. It worked with her coloring, her hair and eyes really looked good. Plus, she’s got such a pretty face. I also like Felicity’s. Probably one of my faves. That Grecian look really works on her. And normally, I also detest light colors on light-colored people, the biggest offender being Nicole Kidman in recent years with her faded hair color to almost white and her ghostly skin, but Felicity at least has some sort of a hue to her skin color. And her hair is a rich blonde, so I thought the white really worked. And I have to give props to Gwennie. She looked sooooo cute with her little bump in that dress, she looked so gentle.

Joan: See, this morning some puppet heads on the morning shows were ranking on Gwyneth and I thought she looked just adorable. She might be the cutest pregnant woman alive. And I loved the Romantic feel of the gown and felt it was appropriate.

On a final note from me, I wonder if Issac Mizrahi will be back for the Oscar pre-show? Did you happen to notice him feeling up Scarlet Johansen? He was absolutely obsessed with under garments and what was in everyone’s purses. Odd odd odd.

Melissa: I KNOW! Isaac was insane. And his questions were totally unscripted. Did you see when he was interviewing Eva Longoria and he asked her about how her hair was “down there?” But he stammered and it came out all weird. He was like, “So is it Brazilian, bikini…?” And she had this look like, “WHA…?” And he says, “Your body hair down there, is it all gone or is there something there?” And she got all weirded out, understandably. Yes, and I saw him grabbing at Scarlett’s boob. Gwennie looked simply adorable. So cute and radiant.

Joan: Ugh… I’m so glad I missed that. LOL. He’s a piece of work. Yet, adorable in his way. Well, another award show down… Time to prepare for the Oscars!


Anonymous said...

Kate was definately looking hot in that little green piece... she needed to show a little more skin though.


Nuray said...

Cannot wait till the Oscars!