Friday, February 24, 2006

Snarky Sayonara, week 1

Goodbye Copacabana Boy, you've infected most of our brains with the endless looping of "Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl / Copa, copa cabana..." and now you must deservedly leave us. I'm sure Barry's relieved that you've been released into the wild to get back to stalking him without a hitch.

Adios Stevie, Princess Pout. You can pout well, we can see this. You can touch your upper lip to the tip of your nose with seemingly no trouble. We saw this on performance night when the judges critiqued you and last night when you got the boot. Goodbye, oh fair and skinny one.

Have a good one, Long Neck. Yes, your neck is freakishly long and your Adam's Apple is very prominent. So prominent that a career in drag will never be for you. Goodbye, and may oxygen always make its way up your neck and into your brain.

And lastly, see ya later Becky. You are very pretty. But since you don't have a future on American Idol, you might want to give Stuff and FHM a call. Don't leave them out in the cold. Happy posing.

Oh and does anyone remember this shot of Long Neck's "friends" in the audience??? Three words: What.The.Fuck?


Nicole said...

lofl. oooh, you go girl. bitch it up a notch... sucker please. ;)

Anonymous said...

i wish copacabana boy and becky were still in it. i find both of them appealing, in totally different ways :)

Anonymous said...

oops, i do that a lot...


Nuray said...

I'm super surprised that Becky got kicked off. I figured she would have pulled through at least another week or two due to her looks. But maybe the masses are getting smarter??? Now if only Lil' LI, The Crooner, and Back-Talker from NY (Brenna) get the boot, all will be well.

Anonymous said...

i don't think they're getting smarter, i think it speaks volumes of women voting out there that are pissed they don't look like that :)
