Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Why George Clooney Gets My Vote

...as you know, Clooney was voted People's Sexiest Man Alive for the 2nd time. I'm not arguing. He's quite simply, the perfect man: Good looking, talented, intelligent, funny... it's all good.
"He says [paparazzi/tabloid] hassles should be dealt with creatively. ... 'Here is my theory on debunking photographs in magazines...I want to spend every single night for three months going out with a different famous actress. You know, Halle Berry one night, Salma Hayek the next, and then walk on the beach holding hands with Leonardo DiCaprio. People would still buy the magazines, they'd still buy the pictures, but they would aways go, "I don't know if these guys were putting us on or not."'" [Vanity Fair]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why do they always pick older guys for this award? if i see harrison ford win it one more time...

who did clooney beat out?
