Saturday, December 02, 2006

Unleaded or Premium?

Imagine if you had to pump gas under these conditions? I'm not showing my soft side and lending Paris and BritBrit sympathy -- under any circumstances. Believe me. But, how much of a schmuck do you have to be if your chosen career involves stalking someone for a picture and engaging in a fight over the hood of their car whilst wrestling with a fuel pump? Might wanna reconsider your list of priorities fellas. Just saying, is all.


Anonymous said...

people always say stuff like "sorry, i'm just doing my job" and think that means they don't have to assume any responsibility for their choice to go into that profession. trust me, i know, i can't even go to 7-11 without people with cameras up in my face.


Nicole said...

so true, johnny. and i don't know how you live with that. the price of fame is just too dear.