Saturday, December 01, 2007


So, it looks as if Tom is moving right along with the plans to have his wife "Stepford-ized"... Mission nearly accomplished.

LOL. I like this one best... cause it looks like she's reaching out to take her little, teeny, tiny husband by the hand... lol. Killing me.


Anonymous said...

ok, what's up with the weird deer everywhere?


Anonymous said...

the second pic is uber creepy. she looks like she just stepped off the set of Attack of the 50-Foot Woman and ol' bat-sh*t insane tommy looks like he's posing for a Hitchcock profile shoot. they are so freggin wierd

Nuray said...

the second pic is pure classicism. it's like he's let her go and is watching from the wings as the young doe explores her surroundings for the first time. she's apprehensive and reaching out for the momma deer.