Monday, July 03, 2006

I'll have my baby call your baby

Wasn't even aware these two couples traveled in the same circles. But then again, when you're famous it's like one giant petri dish of fame...

...KINGSTON...and SHILOH...came together...for a baby playdate on Sunday...ROSSDALE and...STEFANI joined ...JOLIE and... PITT at the couple's Santa Barbara, California retreat during the long fourth of Julyholiday weekend. The new mums were seen sporting matching baby slings and chatting, meanwhile, Pitt and Rossdale enjoyed a bit of jet skiing....MADDOX was seen hanging out with the boys, while...ZAHARA, was spotted toddling about enjoying the sun. Security at the luxury compound was on high alert and the estate was heavily guarded by officers on dune buggies, patrol boats and rafts, as well as dogs posted around the properties perimeter. [contactmusic]


Anonymous said...

The transcript of their conversation went something like this...

"We're the hottest couple", "No, we're the hottest couple!"


Nicole said...

lofl. NICE!

Nuray said...

Oh to be a fly on that wall.