Friday, May 06, 2005

Sing us a song...

Very funny and talented Michael Ian Black has written a piece for McSweeney's about what goes through Billy Joel's head while he's on the way to a party... Will the guests ask him to sing Piano Man? And how will he get out of it...? Here's a taste:

"I'm not doing it. I'm just not. I know I say the same thing every year, but this time I mean it--I am not playing it this year. Seriously, how many times can I possibly be expected to play that stupid song? I bet if you counted the number of times I've played it over the years, it probably adds up to, like, a jillion. I'm not even exaggerating. One jillion times. Well, not this year."

Read the rest here:

You won't be disappointed. LOL. ;) --Joan and Melissa.


Anonymous said...

He's fricken' hillarious! I read the Billy Joel one, I gotta read the rest too.


Anonymous said...

I love Michael Ian Black! I will have to check out that site later today when I have time.