Tuesday, November 07, 2006

BritBrit Says ByeByeBye


Well, it's about goddamn time. It took how long to come to her fucking senses? I mean, come on. And by God, this divorce proceeding better go thru -- cause that mooching KFed has some sick and skeezy kind of allure, she'll most likely end up taking his skank-ass back.
Britney Spears has filed for divorce from her husband of two years, Kevin Federline, PEOPLE has confirmed. L.A. Superior Court spokesperson Pat Kelly tells PEOPLE, "Yes, it's confirmed. It was filed today, on the grounds of irreconcilable differences." TMZ.com was the first to report the filing...According legal documents filed on Tuesday in Los Angeles, Spears seeks custody of both boys, with Federline getting visitation rights. Spears gives a separation date of Monday. She asks that each party pay their own legal fees and waives her right to spousal support. She also requests that certain assets, including "miscellaneous jewelry and other personal effects," be confirmed as separate property. [people]
This is my favorite part: She asks that each party pay their own legal fees and waives her right to spousal support. FAT CHANCE. LOL. He's going to find some way out of paying for shit... probably hook up with another Sugar Mama just in time.

Clearly the subject of divorce sits well with Brit -- she hasn't looked this good in years! Here she is ariving at Letterman:

BritBrit and KFed in "happier",
albeit it "Greasy" times on their honeymoon.


Anonymous said...

i'm glad he finally smartened up :)


Anonymous said...

How long do you think it'll be before everyone conveniently "forgets" about these last few disastrous years in Brit-Brit's life? Soon, she'll be applauded for "reinventing" herself and so forth, a la Angelina Jolie. And she'll be off to Africa to buy a child, a la Madonna. Mark my words.

And Brit looks fabulous, no doubt. But I just want to vomit every time they rub it in our faces that she "finally" lost the baby weight mere months after giving birth to her second child in two years. Way to put pressure on the working moms out there. We could all look that good if we had personal chefs, personal trainers, full-time nannies (or "mannies"), and some damn good airbrushing.

Anonymous said...

hey, it was very tough on home-girl. you know how hard it is to say no to cheetos and red-bull 3 times a day?
