Monday, November 27, 2006

Let the writer's cramp begin...

Like you didn't see this coming... suckah please. Pammy and Kid are callin' it quits. Makes you wonder... since they went and got hitched in like a gazillion cities worldwide, does this mean they have to get a divorce in all those cities as well??? If so, whatever they're paying their lawyers... it's not enough.

Just four months after they married, Kid Rock and Pamela Anderson are heading to divorce court. "She is citing irreconcilable differences," Hersh [Pam's lawyer] said. ... "I'm moving on. … I feel like I'm finally free. … I'm in love. I'm happy. … I see the light. … Sounds dramatic, but it's true," Anderson proclaimed on her Web site.... This month, Anderson revealed that she had suffered a miscarriage just a few weeks after conceiving a child with Kid Rock. [abc]

What the fuck kind of irreconcilable differences can you have after 4 months of marriage? You're still on your frickin' honeymoon for chrissakes. It's like they have nothing better to do than get back together and break up and get back together and... oh, go f yourselves...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe the miscarriage tore them apart. or maybe she woke up one day and realized she married kid rock!
