The celebs, or shall I say the Crazies, have started their descent upon Rome for the upcoming nuptials of Katie and TC. I have to say that I'm uttered disappointed to see Brooke Sheilds there: have some dignity, girl! After all that, you still go?!? Aye-yi-yi...
jim carrey should start a religion, now that would be cool!
marc anthony is there scouting out brains for him to eat during his stay. j.lo is obvious to it all.
who knows how jim carrey and jen mccarthy managed an invite when even oprah didn't one?!?!?! don't even tell me they are scientologists cause that would freakin' suck. i like both of them too much.
brooke is an idiot to go after all that. stupid girl.
jim carrey should start a religion, now that would be cool!
Marc Anthony looks like a zombie.
a few things...
first, when the fuck did j.lo and jim carrey become friends w/tom cruise?
second, how the frig did brooke shields get invited after that long-ass feud.
and third, this is so friggin' exciting -- i'm utterly wrapped up in it all. i'm so ghey.
marc anthony is there scouting out brains for him to eat during his stay. j.lo is obvious to it all.
who knows how jim carrey and jen mccarthy managed an invite when even oprah didn't one?!?!?! don't even tell me they are scientologists cause that would freakin' suck. i like both of them too much.
brooke is an idiot to go after all that. stupid girl.
doesn't jenny mccarthy's hair look awesome though? much better than jim's.
"j.lo is obvious to it all"?
who's my shortie editor?
... and finally, an admission by nicole. i questioned your gheyness on a later post. it's good that you're coming to terms with your katie-love :)
I know, I know...I meant OBLIVIOUS!
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