while i do heart perezzers blog, he really is one scary-lookin mofo. i saw this pic of him defiling my precious hello kitty, and a little piece of me died. this is DEFINITELY worse than the time monk put a little hk sticker on my "study" folder at the span, complete with a conspiritorial nod - like " we BOTH like this. wink, nudge" enter shudder a la Sideshow Bob here....
is that a shower cap? do u own one?
he is pure grossness. and i actually don't own that shower cap. after seeing him wearing it, i certainly won't.
he is seriously one of the most repulsive people I've had the misfortune of laying eyes on.
aaaaauuuuuggggghhhhh! my eyes!
He's frickin' scary.
while i do heart perezzers blog, he really is one scary-lookin mofo. i saw this pic of him defiling my precious hello kitty, and a little piece of me died. this is DEFINITELY worse than the time monk put a little hk sticker on my "study" folder at the span, complete with a conspiritorial nod - like " we BOTH like this. wink, nudge" enter shudder a la Sideshow Bob here....
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