Wednesday, February 20, 2008

An L. Ron Youth

To grow up with Scientology's #2 man and all his strictly followed principles -- well, that's brutal. I just can't wait for the day that little Suri is exiled from Xenu-land and is forced to write a cathartic tell-all. (Till then, we have Christopher Andersen's unauthorized bio on Tom Cruise -- it's required reading for all J&M fans. Some of the stuff therein is blowin' my damn mind! I'll have excerpts of the juicy-est shit soon.)

As Scientologists, they believe their daughter has lived for billions of years and so she already knows all there is to know. Just like a grown-up she doesn't even go to bed until 11 p.m! For Suri there is hardly any discipline, a fascinating Star probe into her life reveals. But there are rules. Tom forbids television and because of anti-Scientology sites, when she is old enough, her computer use will be very limited. "The Internet has become a major source of problems for Scientology," [um, let's interpret, shall we? On the Internet she, and other Scientologists, can find access to first-hand accounts of Scientology's egregious and illegal acts, as well as court reportings and other damning evidence that proves it is not a religion, but a cult. --ed] cult expert Rick Ross tells Star. When it comes to education, Suri will follow Tom's other kids, Isabella and Connor and be schooled in the controversial church. McDonalds is out, her diet is organic, with boiled barley juice one of its major ingredients. Her health is maintained not with medicine, but by herbs. Her friends are virtually all the children of fellow Scientology believers. [full story in this week's Star]

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