Sunday, February 17, 2008

Take her up on it, Britney

Proving she might be one of the nicest people on the planet, Heidi Klum offers Britney safe haven:

A neighbor wants to help Britney Spears: Heidi Klum. The supermodel and Project Runway star, 34, says that her family would welcome Spears, 26, with open arms as the troubled singer seeks to reassemble her life. "She can call me and come live in our house with us for a couple of months. I would help set her straight," Klum, who was born in Germany, tells broadcaster ARD in an interview set to air Monday in her native country, the Associated Press reports. "I am sorry when a young person gets thrown so off track. She has, of course, lived an extremely wild life," adds Klum, according to an interview transcript. [people]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what are you doing? she'll end up giving seal a disease!
