Friday, February 08, 2008

Is Madge a Midge?

Madonna chatting up Paltrow at Madge's Malawi event the other night. Jesus! Who knew Madonna was so short!!!??? Either that, or Gwynnie's a giant...

Talking about size issues... here's TomKat at the same event:


Anonymous said...

Madonna, I believe, is 5'4". Gwyneth, I believe, is about 5'9". So there's that.
As for Katie's shoes -- MY EYES! MY EYES!!! AAAAAAA...

Nicole said...

god, i cannot believe madonna and i are the same height. that blows my mind. i always took her for much, much taller.

Anonymous said...

is that rosie and madonna in the same pic? the world shouldn't be subjected to such cruel torture.


Anonymous said...

I just can't believe how skinny Katie--ahem, Kate--looks. She's, like, Posh skinny. Positively breakable.