Tuesday, August 23, 2005

My Brush with Fame

Yes, yes it's true. I, Joan, have had yet another unbelievable brush with fame. It's a long story... I'll sum up.

It's rarely mentioned in conjunction with my name, but I'm an avid birdwatcher. [I promise, this relates to my story.] About three days ago, a green parakeet (much like the one in this picture) began visiting my songbird feeders. As it's nearing September, I'm naturally concerned that the first frost will be this bird's demise.

A friend (Thanks Ellen!!!) suggested I call Marc, at Parrots of the World, a well-known store on LI. (You may know Marc Moronne from his frequent appearances on Martha Stewart Living. Marc's a bevy of valuable animal knowledge, specializing in parrots.) Marc suggested a method of trapping the bird safely. I'll let you know how that goes. He was more than willing to chat and gave me some good advice. In any case, I may end up with a new pet. Wish me luck ;)

Melissa was so impressed by my "brush with fame" that she urged me to jot it down here. And now you know...

Coming Next Week: The Parakeet Saga Continues...


Anonymous said...

That's awesome!

For all who don't know, this guy was huuuge back in NY. I've only wanted to meet 3 celebrities in my life. One was Bob Ross (who I believe passed away a few years ago,) another is the wierdly skinny, bearded musician from channel 1 local tele back in NY (I saw him and said hey to him on the beach,) and lastly is this guy! I think knowing someone that has spoken to him on the phone counts as me having met him!

Did you ask him if his parakeet was gnawing on his glasses while he was on the phone with you?


Nicole said...

well, it did sound like chaos in the background, so it was quite possible that his glasses were being chewed on. LOL.

well, i managed to catch the bird in question. "patsy" is currently chirping it up in my den. the people at parrots of the world have been more than helpful.

i will post a pic asap. :) n