Friday, May 19, 2006

It's been a gay ol' time...

Joan: Eight years of Will & Grace have come to an end. And what an end… I have mixed feelings about last night’s series finale. Like most finales, there were some good points and bad. I expected it to be much more emotional than it was, but found myself welling up at only one part…and the tears didn’t flow, just a tiny bit of mistiness. I’m not a big fan of forecasting into the future, but there were some things about the storyline I liked.

Melissa: I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn’t cheesy or over-the-top dramatic. Well, Will holding a grudge against Grace for two years just cause she decided to get back together with Leo, the FATHER OF HER CHILD, was a tad dramatic. But overall it really wasn’t bad. I liked the mellow nature of it, the pace of the show was good and well done. The part with Jack and Karen singing Unforgettable was a waste of time. And the storyline with Jack and Beverly Leslie was dumb. But at least Jack’s taking care of Karen these days.

Joan: Yes, it seemed like some plotlines were reaching. LOL. You’re so going to tear me a new one when you learn that the Jack and Karen duet was the one part I misted up at. Maybe I’m PMSing? Have to up my meds. I was annoyed by the grudges…since they were such good friends all these years it was hard to believe that disagreement would keep them apart for the better part of 16 years. I found that a little unbelievable. They could have just as easily fast forwarded through the future as friends, their kid growing up and then later marrying – thus making Will and Grace bona fide family. And can I tell you how much I hate the guy who plays Will’s partner? I wished he’d stayed with Taye Diggs. (Who dumps Taye Diggs for that?)

Melissa: Yeah, but remember Taye Digg’s character was an asshole. Vince definitely sounds like a tool though. I couldn’t really buy the grudges for all those years either. Who goes from being inseparable to not even talking or seeing that person in a matter of a couple of years??? I don’t know. But taking it for what it is, the finale was a pretty good one and I am ok with it. Like you said, I was surprised that it wasn’t tear-jerking at all. Probably because ultimately they all ended up together anyway and no one died. And I will rip you a new one: UP YOUR MEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

Joan: I totally deserve that. ;) See, I’m basing the Taye Diggs thing on his hotness alone. I didn’t follow the storyline. I’ve watched on and off for about 3 years. After Leo left, I kinda trailed off. But overall, it wasn’t terrible. I like the whole idea of their kids getting married. Welp, and so it goes. Another one bites the dust.

Melissa: Yeah, Taye Diggs is totally hot but Will had to overlook that when he was turning out to be an ass. I do admit I watched throughout. Even when it started getting dumb, I watched. I watched post-Leo, post-Stan dying and coming back, etc, etc. I even endured the Alec Baldwin episodes and I HATE ALEC BALDWIN!

Joan: Ugh, I heard the Baldwin plotline was just awful. And the Britney Spears guest spot was tres embarrassing. I’ll have to recap on DVD.

Melissa: It was terrible. The Baldwin plotline was really dumb, it was all to lead up to Stan coming back from the “dead” although he had never died. Whatevs. The Brit episode was kinda funny but the fact that Brit was in it made me not enjoy it as much.

Joan: Well, let is be said that TV shows never die, they just go to DVD heaven. The cast member can thank their lucky stars for syndication deals. They’ll be rolling in it for-evah. Until the next series finale…

Melissa: Long Live the DVD!!!! These guys will never have to work again if they don’t want to. The royalties from the repeats and DVD sales will keep their bellies full forever.


Anonymous said...

you guys are still on "friends"? time to move on to "house"!


Nuray said...

I LOVE House! Such a great show.

Anonymous said...

I Meant "Will & Grace", not "Friends" :)

Will and Grace has been a well written show for years. Really liked the finale, like that it didn't go smooth, that they grew apart, met, grew further apart... made it feel more real.
