Sunday, May 28, 2006

LOST Season Finale Musings, Part 2.

Regarding Hurley, Libby, Desmond:

Joan: Just heard there’s a possibility that Libby’s dead husband David, could be Hurley’s ‘invisible friend.” How they’ll establish this is anyone’s guess, since Libby (and it would appear Desmond, too) is dead. Furthermore, how will anyone make the Libby-Desmond connection? Unless there is a picture of her on Desmond’s boat, leftover from dead David, no one will be able to make the connection. And I was always under the assumption that these connections are meaningful to the characters, not just the viewers.

Melissa: I’ve read that Desmond has been signed on as a regular cast member for next season so I don’t think he’s dead. Michael and Walt have been signed on as recurring cast members so they won’t be regular, thank god as far as Michael is concerned. Desmond turning the key may not have hurt him to the point of death. Turning the key just releases the magnetic pull of this force all at once instead of little by little as entering the numbers do. If the force isn’t dispelled then it would have sucked everything to it, but turning that key released that attraction and everything got released. Hence why the quarantine door went flying. It was flying toward the magnetic force and when Desmond turned the key, it released or reversed the pull maybe. So while the hatch may be in shambles and rubble, I don’t think Desmond is dead. Plus now with Pen’s team finding the island, there’s got to be more emerging from this storyline. The surge of electromagnetism probably made the island visible to the detection devices the snow team was using.

Regarding Desmond, Penelope,
and her father, Charles Widmore:

Joan: Good jumping off point to discuss Penelope. We can assume now that the island is her father’s experiment. Otherwise, how would she have this much inside information? There’s no reason she would assume from her last, short convo w/Desmond that he would be encountering electromagnetism on his “race.”. Frankly, this is winding up to be one of the more interesting plotlines. It’s pretty clear that Desmond’s theory regarding Oceanic Flight 815 is correct: his system failure brought the plane down. But, what the endgame is, is anyone’s guess.

Melissa: Desmond not entering the numbers that one time is totally why the plane crashed. Pretty insane, huh? I wonder if that’s why the little plane of Mr. Eko’s bro crashed as well. Maybe one of the previous hatchmates didn’t push the numbers. I thought for sure that something else huge was going to crash this time around when Locke purposefully didn’t enter the numbers. Maybe it did, I mean, we didn’t see the whole island, only the Lostaways as they shielded their eyes and covered their eyes. So fake Henry must have entered the numbers the time Locke was stuck under the metal doors, huh? Pen’s dad must sooo be the mastermind or one of the main founders of the DHARMA project. Maybe she’s inherited his company is now the head of this all. But since it seems like the DHARMA initiative has folded since its heydays, maybe she’s now trying to go back and investigate everything that has happened as a result of DHARMA’s actions.

Joan: Good points, all. Now that we know fake Henry Gale is “Him” – it’s possible that he knew exactly what to do to make the electromagnetism problem disappear.

Melissa: Maybe the “Him” is actually Pen’s dad, the great mastermind behind all this and fake Henry is like his right hand man onsite.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know who "Him" is but the Desmond storyline is definately interesting. Good point about these revelations being significant to the characters as well as the viewers!
