Saturday, October 18, 2008

Kinda ruins the intent...

Scientology protesters were out and about at the premiere of Katie Holmes' play the other night in NYC. If you're gonna protest, isn't it a good idea to attract attention to the cause and less focus on I'll admit though, they are pretty creative.


Anonymous said...

A European Anonymous member here...yep, the outfits are strange aren't they...

Anything though to get people to educate themselves about this organization.

Scientology is a worldwide criminal scam (get super powers! travel in time! learn telekinesis! Now for only $300.000!) run by the indoctrinated members of a cult. Their most loyal members live in an Orwellian society, which even features Abu Graib-like prisons - right here, on American soil.

If you ever happen to come across their free gullibility/stress test run as fast as you can.

Nicole said...

hey there,
glad to hear from our European readers...

J&M definitely sees where you're coming from. Check our archives for lots of dirt on Scientology and its criminal/cult-like behavior.

Here's one to whet your appetite:

Nuray said...

it cracks ma ass up everytime i see the V for Vendetta guy there.

Unknown said...

does anyone else think the anonymous euro is the vendetta guy from the pics? :)