Sunday, October 19, 2008

Palin does SNL amid several celeb cameos

Although it didn't quite beat the very first time Tina Fey impersonated Sarah Palin; it was, however, a pretty heelarious sketch. Fab celeb cameos included Alec Baldwin and Marc Wahlberg (who had his own controversy brewing after last week's Andy Samberg impersonation... More on that following the clip).

So Fey sucked it up and did her thing, but had only a second, literally, of shared stage time with Palin. Can't help but think that was negotiated.

As for Wahlberg, here's what pissed him off last week:

But a seemingly random sketch ("Barky Bark and the Donkey Bunch" -- ha!) by cast member Andy Samberg that consisted of the comic impersonating actor Mark Wahlberg talking to an assortment of real animals is generating some buzz of its own. This isn't because the Oct. 4 sketch is particularly relevant or comically brilliant. The buzz is coming from Wahlberg's apparent inability to accept being the butt of a joke...."'Saturday Night Live' hasn't been funny for a long time," Wahlberg said. "They've asked me to do the show a ton of times. I used to watch it when Eddie Murphy was there and Joe Piscopo and Bill Murray. I don't even know who's on the show now." [msnbc]

And this is how it all got resolved this week:

Weird. It hadda be all arranged. It's no coincidence he has a movie coming out to promote...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dude does a pretty mean impression of him though, huh?