Sunday, September 23, 2007

EXPOSE: Oscar's Stripper Pics

When X17 first released these pics of the Golden Boy donning a body fishnet in seductive poses, Oscar and his people were quick to come out and say that the pics were doctored. X17 stands by the authenticity of the photos. J&M decided to launch an investigation all their own...

First the photos.

If these photos are indeed fakes, the photoshopper is a very gifted one... Star magazine might want to snatch them right up for the stories they make up. Upon closer look, the false nature of the photos does sort of become clearer. Oscar's head seems much larger in proportion to the body and in some of the photos, the cock-eyed angle at which he's looking at the camera makes it seem like his neck is contorted in a weird, almost non-human, way. Whatever the case, these photos are really a good time.


Anonymous said...

That's just wrong!


Anonymous said...

I don't know...they look fake to me. Plus, Oscar's usually super-buff. Whoever this is looks good, but not quite Oscar-good. (Apparently I likes 'em pretty, and Latino.)