Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Make your own judgements...

Rosie is nothing, if not controversial. Since she left the View, she's been busy blogging and penning a new memoir (cause the last one really didn't sum it all up apparently). Here's just a sampling of the TMI she's revealing:
Among the hot topics that Rosie delves into is her painful childhood secret. She writes that as a child, she used to break her own limbs with "a baseball bat" or a "wooden hanger. On page 186, it reads: "My hands and fingers usually. No one knew. My secret." Why? "Proof," she writes, "that I had some value, enough to be fixed." And later, Rosie cryptically adds, "There were many benefits to having a cast. In the middle of the night, it was a weapon." [the insider]
Jesus, the connotation there is disturbing enough, much less the image it provokes. Rosie may be irritating and grating... but, this is truly f'd up history no one should have to have endured.


Unknown said...

yea, self mutilation's definately the way to go rosie. i don't know why you ever gave it up. i've never disliked anyone more with whom i generally agree politically.

Nicole said...

it is an interesting paradox. i have a love-hate thing with rosie... i do empathize with her though on this account. something about her demeanor always struck me as being a victim of abuse. sad really.

Anonymous said...

there are many victims of abuse out there, and it's very sad. if they develop into abusive people themselves though (ask anyone that's worked with her) then they lose my empathy.


Anonymous said...

Rosie's got some serious issues, no doubt. I feel for her in the sense that no one should endure the kind of abuse she alludes to, as a child or as an adult. However, I gotta go with Johnny on this one. It's easy to sympathize with someone who has suffered, and then has used his or her tragic experiences to better themselves. Rosie has admitted to having psychological problems, but admitting it is not enough. It's not so much how you feel inside or what you say that counts--ultimately, your actions speak for you. (Seriously, look at that train-wreck Bonaduce.) Get some help, find some peace, and make this world a better place. Or shut your pie hole.

Anonymous said...

exactly! look at ellen. she was abused/raped also and she carries herself with dignity and treats others well, at least as far as we know.


Nicole said...

whoa, i didn't know that about ellen. that's seriously f'd. good point, though. makes a lot of sense.

Anonymous said...

Really? I didn't know that about Ellen, either!