Friday, October 05, 2007

Caught in the act!

Our gal on the street, Meri, in hopes to catch some SATC set action caught something else instead... Here's her latest report from the Manhattan scene:
Hello friends,
So this morning I was walking to work at 9am and walked past Tiffany's. I saw a big wedding-ish set and thought they must be shooting for the Sex and the City movie. Remembering my promise to Nicole to take pictures of this for her website, I go to my purse to take out my cell phone to snag some pix. I look at the bride and groom, and think "These aren't SATC characters. Who are they?" I look up to see Matt Lauer and this other woman (not Meredith Veira) filiming a segment for "Today Throws a Martha Stewart Wedding." Sadly, I did not see my icon Miss Martha. I survey the scene even further and see that there is a camera pointing in my direction (fine, in the direction of the bride and groom, who I was standing directly behind). In front of me, on the other side of the barrier, is the bridal party. So, after taking a few pictures, I went on my way to work and did some research. Apparently the couple had just gotten married at Rockefellar Center, got driven in a cab by Scott Baio (weird, I know) to Tiffany's, and were about to enter for their reception. So, here we go.
How fab ;)


Nuray said...

cool, news from the field. Love it!

Anonymous said...

sorry, i couldn't hear anything after "martha's my idol"!


Anonymous said...

and love the new look!!!
